Sunday 2 March 2008


I am a non-smoker, never have smoked, most likely never will, but there is nothing I despise more than the Smoking Ban, I hate it, I think it's the worst thing to happen to this country since Hitler, or maybe Chavs.

I hate the Smoking Ban not for the smokers sake, but for my own selfishness! Imagine, if you will, you are in a pub/bar/club in the middle of a heated discussion, you can choose a topic as long as it is something you are passionate about; best drink, equality, who's hotter Natalie Portman or Scarlett Johansson (comments on that please), anything! Now imagine that during that debate your smoker friend(s) decide the need a fag, they have to get up, leave the pub/bar/club, go out have there cigerette in the cold, return inside, and then you need to inform them of the latest developments in your discussion before you can continue on. It's annoying sure, but OK, I can deal.

Pain in the ass point number 2! The Smoing Ban hurts more than it solves. Think about it instead of the smokers smoking inside pubs, dealing Lung Cancer out to just the alcoholics that stay there long enough to pick it up passively, the smokers are now outside, in the public domain. So, not only do they get you when you go in and out of the pub/bar/club, but at every other one you go past, your friends go past, and hell, for some of you your children go past. Is that good for us? I'm not so sure.

The real problem is there are to many health freaks out there that have influenced this law. They complain about anything that is a tad unhealthy, too much sleep, too little sleep, smoking, food (all I eat is junk food and Crunch Corners and I'm sitting pretty at 127lbs which I have been for several years now, so we can all ignoge our GDAs). These people are a plague! They complain about a tablespoon of salt saying it'll prolong your life by a year, YEAH RIGHT! It is also these people who complain about over-population, yet if you make people healthier they will live longer! Ergo, there will be a population problem with older people living longer, and chavs having children like no-ones business, not enough homes to accomodate them, on a property market that's starting price is ever increasing, it seems hopeless for some average student like me to get a job in the ever competitive world, get enough money to get on said property ladder and live happily ever after. Stop being so obsessive about everyones' health, let them live their lives, eat what they wanna eat, smoke if they wanna instead of using NHS funds to help smokers, if they wanna quit they can do it themselves! I yearn for a simpler time when food was salty, had addatives, and pubs smelt of smoke, a smell I'm personally quite fond of.

That's all for now folks, just one last piece on business and that is awarding last post No Prize award, which goes to Oliver Kendal for his idea of a tattoo or adult convention, which personally I believe is a wonderful idea!!

This weeks No Prize will go for the best justification of their choice of either Natalie or Scarlett, ooooor another good reason why the smoking ban sucks!!

The Yob-esque Youth


Anonymous said...

I read your post with interest and wonder what your thoughts are on the fact that aswell as "instead of the smokers smoking inside pubs, dealing Lung Cancer out to just the alcoholics that stay there long enough to pick it up passively" other people inside the pub for long period times are the bar staff, should they be subjected to this risk of passive smoking just because of their job?

Oliver Kendall said...

Thanks for the no prize award, I believe that is my first one of those on an otherwise glittering CV!

I appreciate your post, although I must say I do not agree with it. I used to smoke for 10 years, and I have now quit for about a year, so i'm not sure whether that qualifies me as an ex smoker yet or not. Anyway, although I no longer smoke, I still consider myself very much 'pro smnoking' as it is a good example of 'free choice' in our society. Still, to ethically justify this 'free choice' we have to understand the implications of the actions we act out upon the others that are affected by those actions. I think the smoking ban, whilst infringing on the liberties of one specific group, is a good thing. We live in a reciprocal social environment and we cannot act vicariously without justifying our actions as to the effects they cause accross the broader spectrum of society.

Retro chik said...

iI partly agree with your second point. Its dead annoying having smoke floating into my face everytime I walk past a pub on the way to the bus stop. Plus, it gets onto my clothes. But then, I’m only in their presense for a split second, before I walk away (a little smoke not exactly goingto kill me), whereas if I was sitting in a bar, I’ll probably be absorbing more of the smoke while Im socialing for a few hours. And I can’t exactly tell the person to stop smoking, can I? So in all, I’m kind of glad they banned smoking in pubs.
But to be fair, some heath advice is necessary in order to look after ourselves, eg the wearing of condoms as well as the dangers of smoking. However, people like Gillian McKeith I do disagree with! At the end of the day, people are given a choice in whether they want to follow the health advice or not. Besides, isn’t that what makes Britain democratic???
By the way, I think Natalie and Scarlett are equally pretty lol